Vets turned Deer Farmers! | Tecate Creek Whitetails

Vets turned Deer Farmers! | Tecate Creek Whitetails

Today we meet up with a father-son veterinarian duo who when they aren't treating whitetail, they're on their own deer farm growing some monster bucks! You’ll meet deer farm owner Anthony Farmer who along with his father runs Tecate Creek Whitetails located just outside of Alice, TX. We’ll showcase some of their incredible bucks. You’ll learn how their passion for whitetail deer keeps this farm booming in a very competitive market. With over a thousand deer, it’s a massive operation that successfully cranks out some of the biggest bucks each year.

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Superior Genetics and Amazing Exotics at Vara Ranch

Superior Genetics and Amazing Exotics at Vara Ranch

Today we travel just southwest of Columbus, Texas to Vara Whitetails. This ranch is well known for superior genetics with top-quality whitetail breeder bucks, does, and even super exotic animals. Ranch owner Matt Loessin tells us how their pursuit of perfection is what drives them to be successful, and in this episode, you will see just results of their strategic breeding!

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Amish Country Deer Blowout! | Indiana Deer Farms

Amish Country Deer Blowout! | Indiana Deer Farms

On this episode, we travel to Indiana and where we are on a whirlwind tour visiting deer farms. We visit Springfield Whitetails, and you’ll see why this Amish-owned deer farm continues to attract nationwide attention from the deer farming industry. We’ll show you how effective northern whitetail genetics are when used in a Texas deer farm then take you to a luxury outdoorsman resort with its own breeding program. Plus, we’ll showcase the biggest deer event in Indiana!

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Prettiest Whitetails in the World! | Big Rack Ranch

Prettiest Whitetails in the World! | Big Rack Ranch

We are traveling just outside of Terrell, TX to Big Rack Ranch. Owned by Tom Swift and John True, this north Texas deer breeding operation has focused on producing the cleanest looking big typical framed bucks in the deer industry, and it shows! John tells us why it’s so important for them to focus on looks just as much as it does pedigrees. This place is like going to a beauty pageant for whitetail deer!

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Genetically CWD Protected Deer at CC Bar Whitetails

Genetically CWD Protected Deer at CC Bar Whitetails

Today we travel to Northeast TX to CC Bar Whitetails. This is the first time we’ve visited this massive operation and Hank Corbell and his family have built the largest herd of whitetails that are scientifically shown to have increased resistance to CWD. Currently, Hank is years ahead of any deer farmer we know of regarding his entire herd having these special genetic markers and incredible GEBV scores.

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WORLD RECORD Fallow Bucks! | Big Time Whitetails and Exotics 2023

WORLD RECORD Fallow Bucks! | Big Time Whitetails and Exotics 2023

Today we discover one of the most unique breeder operations we have ever featured. Big Time Whitetails and Exotics naturally target the whitetail industry but also have an aggressive model for the exotic animal breeder industry. Owner Derald McMaster and his family have mastered the art of breeding giant fallow deer and you’ll see a lineup of some of the largest fallow bucks on the planet!

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High Rollers of the Deer Industry!! | High Roller Whitetails

High Rollers of the Deer Industry!! | High Roller Whitetails

On this episode, we travel to High Roller Whitetails just south of Center, TX. Operated by James Butler, this facility has over 1,000 animals and these animals have literally changed the deer farming industry with legendary bucks like Willie, Waylon, Big Jake, and now an absolute beast of a two-year-old buck named Lambo and all we can say is “WOW”. You won’t want to miss this episode.

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The Biggest Bucks in Kentucky! | Woodard Whitetails of KY

The Biggest Bucks in Kentucky! | Woodard Whitetails of KY

Today we travel to Kentucky where the deer farming market is white hot! We visit Woodard Whitetails of Kentucky and show you how this deer farm is setting a new standard for other deer farms nationwide. Farm owner Henry Woodard is a legend in the deer farming world and is known for developing incredible genetics for the deer farming industry. You’ll see hundreds of deer on this episode that virtually any breeder would want on their farm.

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The Most Valuable Bucks with the Most Valuable Pedigrees! | MVP Whitetails 2023

The Most Valuable Bucks with the Most Valuable Pedigrees! | MVP Whitetails 2023

Today, Keith Warren is at MVP Whitetails where owners Jade and Jalen Webster remind us just why they’re called MVP. You will be hard-pressed to find a better pedigree anywhere in the deer business! Every year we see more and more incredible bucks on the ground but this year MVP has really outdone themselves with two-year-old giants like Iceman, Perfect Game, and Big League!!

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The Big Beautiful Bucks of Michigan! | Black Label Whitetails and Spotted Acres Whitetails 2023

The Big Beautiful Bucks of Michigan! | Black Label Whitetails and Spotted Acres Whitetails 2023

Today on Deer and Wildlife Stories, we head to Michigan to see a couple of deer farms from one of the strongest deer markets in America! First, Black Label Whitetails shows us how the right genetics can lead to an incredible herd in just 6 short years! Then we check out the beautiful colors of some Piebald bucks with proven pedigrees to back them up at Spotted Acres!!

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The BEST DEER SALE in the Industry | High Roller Draft 2023

The BEST DEER SALE in the Industry | High Roller Draft 2023

To kick off this season, Keith Warren heads to the High Roller Big Buck Draft! This exciting event is the perfect opportunity to obtain some of the best whitetail genetics that have ever been produced and maybe even become the owner of the next industry legend!! Tune in to see all the fun and be sure to check out this free event!

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How To Start A Deer Farm! - Go to!!!

How To Start A Deer Farm! - Go to!!!

Do you have 5 acres that you don’t utilize?! - deer farming may be perfect for you!!! Invest in deer farming and become a part of the fastest-growing agricultural segment in North America! Today on Deer and Wildlife Stories, we head to Gutierrez Cervid Company in Bitely, Michigan to learn how to start a deer farm! GCC is the largest deer operation in Michigan that has a new innovative program called Start A Deer Farm!  This program provides new Deer farmers with great genetically bred does for NO UPFRONT cost to help farmers get started in the deer farming industry! GCC has calm super does with the best stacked genetic pedigrees in the Northwoods! For more information, go to

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World's Youngest Deer Farmer

World's Youngest Deer Farmer

Today on Deer and Wildlife Stories Keith Warren is heading down to the Sunshine State of Florida! First our expectations will be blown away by giants like Big Guns at High Xpectations Whitetails! Then a 6 year old deer farmer named Little John will be showing us around Rocking JE Whitetails showing off huge bucks like Big Mo and Heatstroke!

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