Up CLOSE Elk Hunt

Up CLOSE Elk Hunt

On this episode Keith takes Carl Behling, the owner of Shaw Barrels on his first elk hunt with Venator USA in Oklahoma! Watch as Carl has the most up-close and personal encounters with elk that you can get. The bulls are in full rut and bugling their heads off as Carl sets his sites on an absolute monster!

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3 Coyotes, 3 Hogs, and 1 Buck in a 12 Hour Hunt | Thermal Hunt

3 Coyotes, 3 Hogs, and 1 Buck in a 12 Hour Hunt | Thermal Hunt

In this video, Johnny Piazza meets up with Cameron Kaufhold from  @LongshotCameras  on his ranch in South Texas to chase hogs, coyotes, and whitetail deer. First, Johnny and Cameron head to the range to show off the Longshot Target Cameras as they prepare for a long night of thermal hog and predator mayhem. Then, the boys head out into the pitch black dark and get surrounded by coyotes as they pick members of the pack off one by one. As the night continues, the guys pick up steam as they drop multiple hogs in their tracks with their Bering Optics thermal units, hunting until 2 AM. With only 2 hours of sleep, they wake up bright and early and head out into the deer woods after the oldest buck on the property, aiming to take the buck with a Thermal 308 AR10 by Shaw Barrels!! You won’t want to miss this ACTION PACKED episode!#highroadhunting #highroadhunting #keithwarrenhunting

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New Zealand Adventure Continues

New Zealand Adventure Continues

On this episode, The High Road takes you back for part two of their New Zealand Adventure with Wanganui Safaris on the North Island. Watch as Keith and Johnny both have intense hunts for GIANT Red Stag. Then, Keith and Johnny put the smackdown on some invasive wallabies.

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Giant Black Bear Hunting in Canada

Giant Black Bear Hunting in Canada

Join Keith Warren and his wife Mary as they take on GIANT BEARS in Canada with Dale McKinnon. See how Dale provides the best possible bear hunt you'll go on, from the best lodge to the biggest bears! If you are interested in hunting bears with Dale McKinnon, give him a call at 780-645-8092

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Canada Black Bear Bonanza

Canada Black Bear Bonanza

Keith Warren takes his wife Mary to Alberta, Canada to hunt Bears with his favorite Black Bear outfitter, Dale McKinnon. Keith also makes a special offer to viewers for viewers to join him in person at the Great American Outdoors show in Harrisburg, PA!!

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Texas Whitetails VS Huntress

Texas Whitetails VS Huntress

In this episode, join the High Road as they take the father and daughter duo - Jason and Autumn on a central Texas Doe and Buck hunt! #highroadhunting #keithwarrenhunting

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Rock, Paper, Whitetails - SHOOT!!!

Rock, Paper, Whitetails - SHOOT!!!

This week on The High Road with Keith Warren, Keith has some special guests out to his Texas Hidden Springs Ranch to hunt whitetail deer for the very first time! Watch as Jason and Autumn of Timber Creek Outdoors enjoy a father daughter hunt to remember for a crazy non-typical buck!

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California Girls Go Hog Hunting

California Girls Go Hog Hunting

On This episode of The High Road with Keith Warren, Keith and Johnny take out two girls from California that work for Timber Creek Outdoors to go on their very first hog hunt! This hunt gets a little wild when the girls realize that hog hunting with thermals is harder than they thought! This is part one of the two-part series, tune in next week for part two!

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